Friday, April 29, 2011

Rod's Duck Farm says, "Moby Duck Strikes Again!"

Remember back in 1992 when a bunch of rubber ducks fell off a freighter in the Specific Ocean? And then folks started thinking they would use the "duck flotilla" to track ocean currents? And then there was the Duck Farm post of Saturday July 28, 2007 about a giant rubber duck in Europe that Steve called Moby Duck?
Well, James Allen has been keeping up with ducks and notes that Donovan Hohn has managed to write a book about the "duck flotilla" entitled Moby Duck.
Just don't get "Moby" confused with "The Mob". "Moby" does not mean "sort of like the Mob". It doesn't even mean "Missouri by" or "more buy".
Moby Duck is just further evidence that if people spent more time thinking about ducks, they'd spend less time thinking about other things.
Quack, Quack