Thursday, August 29, 2013

Rod's Duck Farm says .... Redneck Remedy is now order-able!

Check it out.

It is the best burn crème available and you can order it, paying with PayPal.
The web site is improved once more. The anti-itch stuff is good too ..... it is for bug bites and poison ivy and things like that.

But I still say, IF YOU GET A WASP OR BEE-TYPE STING, you have 30 seconds to maybe one minute to douse the bite with ammonia ...... just plain old household ammonia ..... be sure to have a jug of household ammonia if you prefer to stay the same size ..... otherwise a bite on your thumb might not fit into a glove.

Redneck Remedy works on shingle sores for lots of folks!

Quack, Quack!

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